Employee Resources – Penn Medicine
VPN Instructions. Full instructions for configuring and installing the Wharton VPN can be found here. Infection Control and PPE Guides - Perelman School of Medicine Mask Respirator Guidelines, PAPR, Isolation Precautions, COVID-19 Exposure, Transport Guidelines, Cleaning of Ultrasound Machines, LUCAS device cleaning New Self-Service Password Reset Tool - Penn Medicine Your network password is necessary access to the Penn Medicine VPN, Outlook mail, Penn Chart and many more applications. Now, within a matter of minutes you will enable you to reset your password at any time, any hour. Remote Access VPN - Sites at Penn State Recent Posts. 10XGenomics single cell genomics is here! June 11, 2020; Ming’s first author paper is out in collaboration with Dr. Kenny Futai! June 11, 2020
Overview. Penn+Box is a cloud-based collaboration service for securely managing and sharing files and folders within the Penn community and externally. Users can access, create, manage, and distribute content across various device types and operating systems. Penn+Box also ensures that University data and intellectual property are securely protected.
Recent Posts. 10XGenomics single cell genomics is here! June 11, 2020; Ming’s first author paper is out in collaboration with Dr. Kenny Futai! June 11, 2020 UPHS COVID-19 Learning - Perelman School of Medicine at
Penn Medicine Together (Penn Medicine) LGHealth Together: Leading in Turbulent Times (LGH, VPN Required) 4 behaviors that help leaders manage a crisis (Harvard Business Review) 9 Things great leaders do in difficult times (Inc.) Corona virus and business: Insights you need from HBR (HBR) 4 actions to be a good leader during Covid-19 disruption
REMOTE ACCESS - Penn State Health Penn State Health supports the use of the Google Chrome browser; Google, however, has deprecated the control used to check if you have a Citrix Receiver Client installed. The first time a user attempts to connect using the Chrome browser they will need to configure the site as not to be prompted to reinstall the client at each login. 146th Anniversary Meeting 48th Anniversary Scheie Eye